Taken from ministry Paper No. 56, September 2002.
Government at your Service: Public Sector Modernisation Vision and Strategy 2002-2012.
Governance is the exercise of power in the economic, political, and administrative management of a country's resources. Governance comprises the traditions, institutions and processes that determine how power is shared and exercised, and how decisions are made and how authority responds on issues of public concern.
Good Governance
Good governance is built on the following elements:
• Openness
Processes and information, which allow the public to see how institutions work and function; accessible information is appropriately packaged and widely disseminated to the public.
• Justice
Equal access to justice, health care, education, livelihood, a clean and healthy environment and other services regardless of colour, gender, race, creed, political affiliation, socio-economic class or sexual orientation.
All individuals and groups including the elderly, disabled and poor are encouraged to contribute to and to influence the policy making process.
Systems in place to hold one responsible for all actions in the discharge of our duties
• To operate a political system which enables all to participate in and influence government policy and practice;
• To provide a stable environment which facilitates investment and trade as a basis of economic growth, environmental sustainability and development
• To implement sound pro-poor policies, which garner, allocate and effectively account for public resources;
• To manage the country's economic, ecological and social resources to facilitate the equitable provision and access to services and public goods;
• To ensure security and justice for all people as well as respect for human rights and rule of law;
• To develop an open and accountable society free from corruption;
• To establish and strengthen partnerships with the private sector and civil society (including contracting of services and developmental activities
Strategic Objectives
• Creating a knowledge society, improving consultation with the public, strengthening communication mechanisms and improving access to information.
• Establishing participatory and coordinated mechanisms that promote the demand for responsive and effective public policies, improving public training, developing standards for meaningful participation in policy dialogue and making research a pre-requisite of policy development.
• Establishing, through new/revised legislation, a sound and predictable framework for social inclusion with the appropriate institutional mechanism to address issues of exclusion and discrimination.
• Designing and enforcing mechanisms/sanctions to maintain the rule of which will facilitate economic growth, security and social capital formation
• Enhancing public institutions' capabilities to develop, implement and monitor programmes/projects that will address overall development
• Promoting more efficient use of public resources for development through decentralization of decision-making
• Facilitating greater transparency and openness of government's operations
• Promoting social peace by creating a stable and non-violent political environment.