Caribbean Immigration To The US
Alvar W.
The Caribbean islands have become
increasingly important sources
of foreign immigrants to the United States.
Generally, Cuba is thought of as the region’s primary source, but other islands
have also become significant sources, especially after the implementation o the
1965 Immigration and Nationality Act Amendment that eliminated nationality
origins quotas and established an open-door, competitive policy for immigrants
Subsequently, Caribbean immigration to the United State has become a growing
factor in contributing to the population growth, cultural diversity, and racial
composition of specific American metropolitan areas Despite the islands’
proximity to the US, more immigrant have originated in the Caribbean islands
since 1965 than in the region’s previous history. The 1960s alone witnessed
three times as many Caribbean immigrants than in the
previous three decades. And, the 1980s recorded nearly
twice as many Caribbean immigrants, and worldwide
immigrants, as in 1960’s (Table 1). Consequently, the Caribbean is today
the source of about one-third of America’s
immigrants from the Western Hemisphere and nearly 15 per
cent of its worldwide immigrants.
Interestingly enough, the Caribbean
was the source about 200,000 more immigrants to the United
States than all of Europe
during the 1980s. As in all cases of international migration, both internal and external factors or forces play
determining roles in emigration and immigration. A country’s internal
conditions create the desires or needs to emigrate. I contrast to these push
conditions, each receiving country has not only perceived opportunities for the
improvement an individual’s economic, political, and social situation, bi also
national policies that allow accessibility or entry and
Table I
Immigration to the United States, 1930-89
(In Thousands)
% of Worldwide
% of Western
immigration from islands/countries of
British Bkgd. 1
Dutch Bkgd. 2
French Bkgd 3
Spanish Bkgd 4
1 Includes (with date of independence) Anguilla, Antigua-Barbuda (1981), The Bahamas (1973),
Barbados (1966), Bermuda, British Virgin Islands, Cayman Islands, Dominica
(1978), Grenada (1974), Jamaica (1962), Montserrat, St.
Christopher (Kitts)-Nevis (1983), St Lucia (1979), St. Vincent & Grenadines
(1979), Trinidad and Tobago (1962), and Turks and Caicos Islands.
2 Includes the Netherland Antilles (Aruba,
Bonaire, Curacao, Saba, St. Eustatius,
and St. Maarten).
3Includes (with date of independence)
Guadeloupe, Haiti (1804), Martinique, and St. Martin.
4Includes (with date of independence)
Cuba (1898) and the Dominican Republic (1844).
-- denotes .<500. All other
tabulations have been rounded to the nearest thousand.
Source: US.
Department of Justice, Immigration and Naturalization Service
Yearbook of the Immigration and Naturalization Service,Washington, D.C.; Government
Printing Office, 1930-1989).
regulate admissions. These
internal and external factors often change in time, resulting in varying types
and amounts of emigration and immigration.
It needs to be pointed out at the outset that some
of the Caribbean islands, especially those with
English-speaking populations have histories of both temporary and permanent
out-migration, but not of the numerical extent experienced in the l980s.
Growing demands for labourers, especially on sugar
plantations, led to significant inter-island migrations in the latter half of
the 1 980s that lasted into the early 1 900s when many labourers
turned instead to Central America to find agricultural employment or
construction work in the building of the Panama Canal. By the 1940s, however, Caribbean
islanders turned their sights increasingly toward urban destinations found
largely in Britain
and to a lesser extent in the US.
Many continued to be recruited, however, as contract agricultural labourers, especially Jamaicans, during World War II and
there is still today inter-island labour migrations, including that associated
with limited manufacturing and industry.
the war, the Caribbean islander’s migrations to the US
were more and more for the purposes of employment, reflecting the islands’
historical and continuous lack of opportunities outside of labour-intensive
agriculture associated with plantation economies. Even then and in recent
years, increasing mechanisation of agriculture has
widespread unemployment and underemployment in this region
where only a quarter of the land is cultivated. Meanwhile, limited capital
investments, including those in connection with tourism, have not created the
widespread industries and manufacturers needed to absorb the abundance of both
surplus rural and urban labour, which for the most part is characteristically
unskilled. Thus, America
has become another, but larger, escape valve for those who pursue external
population growth rates have been another internal commonality found in the Caribbean
that has encouraged out-migration. Since 1970, crude birth rates (CBRs) on average have been considerably higher than those
of the world’s industrialised countries, such as the United
State (Table 2). Although ranking
with the world averages, the islands’ crude death rates (CDRs),
except for Haiti,
have been concurrently among the lowest in the world. Despite national
family-planning programmes having been
Population Characteristics, 1970-90
World 1970 1980 1990
(millions) 3.632 4.4 14 5.32 1
CBR/CDR 34/14 28/11 27/10
AnnualGrowthRate(%) 2.0 1.7 1.8
Pop.<l5years(0/o) 37 35 33
to Double 35 41 39
(million) 26 30 34
CBR/CDR 35/11 - 28/8 25/8
Growth Rate 2.2 1.9 1.7
Pop.<l5years(%l 40 40 33
to Double 32 36 40
United States
(millions) 205 223 251
18/10 16/9 16/9
Growth Rate (%) 1.0 0.7 0.8
Pop.<l5years(%) 30 22 22
to Double’ 70 99 92
1At current rate
Source: “World Population Data Sheet” (Washington D.C.:
Population Reference Bureau, 1970, 1980, 1990).
in several countries, including Barbados, Jamaica, and the Dominican Republic,
and an overall declining birth rate since 1970, the Caribbean islands, on the
whole with the notable exception of Cuba, had relatively high fertility rates
and large proportions of young people under the age of 15, ranging from 44 per cent in Haiti to 32 per
cent in Trinidad and Tobago, during the mid- 1980s.
Whereas the fertility rate for the US
in 1989 was 1.8. it
was 3.1 for Jamaica, 3.9 for the Dominican Republic, and 4.9 for Haiti. At the same time, between
one-third and 40 per cent of the population was under the age of
fifteen. This component
of the population is a major factor in the projections of doubling times for
populations of individual countries, which have increased in the required
number of years, but are
still relatively high (average of 40 years) for instance in comparison
to those of the US (92 years) and European countries (266 years).
Nearly all of the Caribbean
islands have population densities
that rank among the highest in the world, creating population pressures—
a phenomenon that is not isolated to these islands, but is found on many of the
world’s small islands.
In 1990, of the world’s 205 countries, dependencies, and self-governing
territories, two-thirds had population densities above the world average of 92 (Table 3). Twenty-three of the Caribbean’s
twenty-five countries and
colonies fell into this category. Only the Turks and Caicos
Islands and The Bahamas had lower densities. In fact, Caribbean population densities were on
average four times the world average. These demographic characteristics can undoubtedly complicate
economic development and progress not only on the Caribbean
but anywhere.
Compound it by the lack of economic development, the
high population growth rates and correspondingly high dependency ratios have
resulted in underdevelopment and economic poverty. The majority of the Caribbean islanders (55 per cent in
1990) live today in urban areas, but some of the islands continue to
have large rural
populations and limited arable lands for non-plantation agriculture.
Urban populations
range from highs of 70-80 per cent in The Bahamas. Cuba
and Martinique, to lows of 20-30 per cent in Haiti, and St. Vincent
and the Grenadines. Those islands with
urban majority have had
for the most parts the higher per capita GNP5, which averaged US$4,730 in 1990 for the region.
Exceptions are Barbados,
where only one third of its
1990 population were urban, with a per capita GNP of nearly US$6,500 and the Dominican
Republic was slightly more than half of its population are urban residents and the per capita GNP is
only US$820. The highest per capita GNP is found today in the Bahamas
( us$11 500) and the lowest is found in Haiti (US $370).
These lingering internal
conditions convinced several Caribbean governments as
early as the mid-1900’s to promote or sanction emigration, especially labourers
Table 3
Caribbean Population Densities, 1990
Population Sq. Miles 1 Population
tniillions) (thousandsl Per Sq. Mile
World 5.321 57.850 92
Unites States 251 3.679 68
Caribbean Islands: 34 90.6 375
British background 5.0 13.3 376
Dutch background 0.3 0.4 750
French background 7.3 -11.8 619
Spanish background 17.9 61.5 281
US. possessions 3.5 3.6 972
1lncludes inland waters
Source: Goode’s World Atlas (Chicago: Rand
McNally, 1991) and ‘World
Data Sheet” (Washington D.C,: Population Reference Bureau, 1990).
resulting in the continued sense of
approval for residents to emigrate and thereby making emigration a survival
strategy. Many of the emigrants headed for their mother countries, especially England. Others chose the United
States, not only because of its perceived opportunities but also its proximity,
especially from the 1960s onward as more islands became independent countries,
which allowed perspective migrants to be more easily processed as
chargeable immigrants against their own country rather than, as before, against their mother country. Also,
the United States became the expedient
destination for many islanders who sought refuge or asylum from political
turmoil, oppression and total totalitarian governments most notably in~ Cuba and later in Haiti. Dominicans did not start
to emigrate in large numbers until after 1961 when dictator
Rafael Trujillo, who had prohibited emigration for many years, was
Besides the internal forces that provided
incentives for Caribbean islanders to emigrate, external circumstances -‘and developments facilitated
their immigration to the United States. Obviously, the
availability of economic opportunities for both skilled and unskilled labourers outside of agriculture,
has been an attraction. Some islanders such as the Jamaicans had been recruited
as contract agricultural
labourers as early as the 1940s. Word
of these and other
opportunities spread
on both an intraisland and inter-island basis and was reinforced by the growing and penetrating media
which provided images of a better life in America. Emigrants realised, too, that many Americans used familiar languages stemming from
European colonisation, especially English and
Spanish. Coupled with relatively cheap mobility because of
the distance factor made for easier migrations.
US immigration policies, however, have been the most important factor
in the recent admission of larger numbers of immigrants, not only from the Caribbean
islands but also
from around the world.
These policies allow America to take the most immigrants
of any country. Immigrant numbers have increased steadily since World War II,
but they rose ‘dramatically after the 1960s, with annual averages of 433,600
and 633,200 in the 1970s and 1980s, respectively. Regarding the Caribbean, only Cuba was ranked in the 11
countries that contributed 50,000 or more immigrants in the 1950s (Table 4). During the 1960s, Cuba, Dominican Republic, and Jamaica were in the group of 14
sources responsible for more than 50,000 immigrants.
These three countries
accounted for 12.1 per
cent of the worldwide immigration to America. They were joined by Haiti and Trinidad! Tobago in the
eighteen sources of 50,000 plus immigrants of the 1970s when the five countries
supplied 15.8 per cent of all immigrants. The 26 leading sources of the 1980s included
Cuba, Dominican Republic, Haiti, and Jamaica, which together accounted for 11.5
per cent of the total number. It is apparent that an increasing number of the
world’s countries, especially those of the Third World, have become leading
sources of immigrants.
With the enactment of the National Origins Act of
1924, passed largely to curtail immigration from eastern and southern Europe,
numerical origins quotas favouring immigration from
western and northern Europe were established in order to
manipulate and to control the composition of the American population. While
origins quotas were determined for countries of the Eastern
Hemisphere, Western Hemispheric countries were exempted except for
the European colonies in the Caribbean. Little
immigration occurred in the Depression of the 1930s and this was true of the
war years of the 1940s. After World War II, the United
States began to accept large numbers of
war-related refugees and displaced persons under a policy that extended into
the 1950s. On the other hand, the 1952 Immigration and Nationality Act
(McCarran-Walter Act) imposed restrictions on immigration from the British
West Indies, which led emigrants from Barbados,
Jamaica, and Trinidad
and Tobago to turn to Great
The post-war immigrants were soon joined, however, by Cubans fleeing
civil turmoil. Fidel Castro’s overthrow of the Cuban government in 1959 began
to produce thousands of political refugees who were accommodated in America by special legislation.
Consequently, Cuba rose from being the seventh
largest source of immigrants in the 1950s to being the third leading source of
the 1960s, following only Mexico and Canada.
Dramatic changes in the US immigration policies,
resulting from the 1965 Immigration and Nationality Act Amendments, were fully
implemented in 1968. Most notably, nationality or origins quotas that favoured
Europeans were abolished not only because European countries were not filling
their allocations but also at a time when America witnessed a rising
conscience concerning civil rights and discrimination.
With the exceptions of a few countries because of political reasons,
the door to the United States has been opened to a fuller
extent and immigration was put on a firstcome, firstserved basis to all peoples of the world. The only
limitations were the annual numerical ceilings of 170,000 immigrants for the Eastern Hemisphere, with a per country limit
of 20,000, and 120,000 immigrants for the Western Hemisphere with no per country limit.
Not until 1977 were the Western Hemispheric countries limited to annual quotas
of 20,000 chargeable immigrants, which prevented domination by a few countries,
such as Mexico. Shortly thereafter, the Hemispheric limits were combined in 1978 into one world-wide
ceiling of 290,000. This number was reduced to 280,000 in 1980 and again in
1981 to 270,000, excluding refugees and relatives of American citizens who can
enter as exempted immigrants because of preferential provisions that promote
the reunification of families, especially spouses, children, and parents. This
liberal policy has led to the emigration of family members within networks of
chain migrations.
Countries that have become
the sources of most chargeable immigrants can quickly become the sources, too,
of exempted immigrants. Whereas 39 per cent of the Caribbean immigrants of the 1980s
were exempted from numerical limitations, nearly 57 per cent of America’s world-wide immigrants
were exempted. As more Caribbean immigrants settle in America it can be
expected in the future that there will be a corresponding increase in the
number of exempted immigrants from the region as families reunite. Cuba, Dominican Republic. Haiti, and Jamaica each contributed numbers of
immigrants in excess of the annual 20,000 quota by the late 1980s. Yet, the Caribbean is one of the largest
sources of illegal aliens with the Dominican Republic, Haiti, Jamaica ranking behind Mexico. This is despite the fact
that Canada, too, had significantly
relaxed in 411962 its policies which now accommodate many Caribbean immigrants including nonwhites
such as the African-Caribbeans.
the United Kingdom has passed restrictive
legislation in both 1962 (Commonwealth Immigrants Act) and 1983 that in essence
cut off immigration from the Commonwealth Caribbean. Furthermore, Dominicans were
allowed to emigrate due to a change in policy after Trujillo’s death, and several,
colonies (Barbados, Jamaica and Trinidad and Tobago)
Leading Sources Of Caribbean immigrants, 1970-89
1970-79 1980-89 Total Percent
1. Cuba 278.068 163,666 441.734 27.6
2. Dominican
Republic 14 1.578 226.853 368.431 23.1
3. Jamaica 138.058 207.762 345.820 21.6
4. Haiti 59.097 126.379 185.476 11.6
5. Trinidad
and Tobago 63.972 37.947 101.9 17 6.4
6. Barbados 20.055 18.404 38,459 2.4
7. Antigua-Barbuda 5.490 12.555 18.045 1.2
8. Grenada 6.896 10.483 17.379 1.1
9. St. Kltts-Nevis 5.903 10.587 16.490 1.0
St. Vincent & 4,269 7,343 11.612 0.7
GrenadInes 1.545.365 96.7
Source: US. Department of Justice, Naturalization and Immigration Service,
Statistical Yearbook of the Immigration and Naturalization Service (Washington,
D.C: Government Printing Office, 1970-1987).
declared their Independence and became new countries in
the 1960s. Thereafter, seven more colonies (Antigua-Barbuda.
The Bahamas, Dominica, Grenada, St Kitt’s
Nevis , St Lucia, St Vincent and The Grenadines) became
countries. All of these new countries had become eligible to be outright
sources of immigrants under the established ceiling and quotas.
More than half of America’s Caribbean immigrants since 1930 have
come from islands originally colonised by Spain, namely Cuba and the Dominican Republic (Table 1&5). One third came from the British colonised islands. Only about one of ten immigrants came
from the French colonised islands, nearly all from Haiti which became independent in
1804. Only small numbers originated in Guadeloupe, Martinique, and St Martin, which are still French
departments. An even smaller number of immigrants have originated in the Dutch islands (especially Aruba, Bonaire, and Curacao) of which
none has
become independent.
the colonial possessions have been given small numerical quotas of one hundred
immigrants each, the immigrants from the British, Dutch, and French
dependencies gained their immigrant status for the most part as chargeables against their mother country’s quota. Most
out-migrants from these Dutch and French possessions go to their European
mother countries. In-migrants to the United States from Puerto Rico and the US Virgin Islands
are not counted as immigrants due to an exemption given to residents of US
possessions. Despite the many thousands of Puerto Ricans having migrated to
this country, they and the US Virgin Islanders are not figures in this analysis
of Caribbean immigration.
Cuba, even before the
inauguration of the open-door policy in the late 1960s, maintained its status
as the leading source of Caribbean immigrants until the 1980s when it was
surpassed by both the Dominican Republic and Jamaica (Table 5). Meanwhile, immigration from Haiti more than doubled in
the 1980s and that from the remaining six leading sources, all English-speaking
islands (Antigua-Barbuda, Barbados, Grenada, St Kitts-Nevis, St Vincent and the
Grenadines, Trinidad and Tobago), declined slightly when totalled
together. However if the figure for Jamaica were added to the total for
these six countries, the British colonised islands
contributed a share of Caribbean immigrants.
More than one-third of the Caribbean immigrants during the
influx of the 1970s and 1980s were under 20 years of age (Fig. 1). When this age group is added to the group of 20-19 year
olds, nearly 56 per cent of all the immigrants were under 30 years of age.
There ais considerable variation, however, among the
immigrant sources. Only 37 per cent,of
the Cubans were under 30 years of age. In contrast, 54 per cent of the Haitians,
65 per cent of the Jamaicans, and 69 per cent of those from Trinidad and Tobago and the Dominican Republic were in this young age
group. The median age ranged from 23 years for the Dominicans to 38 years for
the Cubans. Of these five leading Caribbean immigrant groups, for which
fairly complete data are available, only Haiti was the source of more males
(52 per cent) than females (48 per cent). Reverse ratios existed for the
immigrants from Cuba, the Dominican Republic, Jamaica and Trinidad and Tobago.
young immigrants, like nearly all cases in immigration history, represent a
loss in the emigrating source’s labour supply and a potential gain for the United States. They also represent a
significant component in America’s future population growth,
mainly because of their potentially high fertility rates and because of the
country’s low birth rate and growing proportion of elderly people.
Caribbean immigration consists largely of Hispanics (e.g. Cubans and Dominicans)
and African Caribbeans (e.g. Haitians and Jamaicans)
who add to the numerical growth and cultural diversity of both ethnic
populations in America. Although more than 100,000
Caribbean blacks, mostly from British
islands, emigrated to America before the passage of the
1924 National Origins Act, the recent Caribbean immigration has brought
about America’s largest wave of black
immigrants from anywhere. An estimated 600.000 Caribbean islanders, mostly from Barbados, Haiti, Jamaica and Trinidad and Tol5ago, became
African-Americans (blacks) during the period of 1970-89. In addition, America’s
Hispanic population increased significantly as a result of black immigrants
from Cuba and the Dominican Republic, the two Spanish-origin countries that
were the sotr~ré~7s of half of all Caribbean immigrants during the same period (Table 1&5). Not surprisingly,
approximately one of thirty American blacks is of Hispanic origin today.
Previously, America’s African-Americans were
almost totally the result of slavery, which involved involuntary migration not
immigration based upon one’s volition.
The largest number (56 per cent) of Caribbean immigrants entered the United States as housepersons,
children and those without occupations (Fig.2).
Besides one of every three Caribbean immigrants being under
20 years of age and largely children, these immigrants in large part
represented family members who are involved in the re-unification of families.
Of the five major sources, the percentages for this category ranged from 48 per
cent for Haiti to 64 per cent for the Dominican Republic. Approximately one quarter
of the immigrants were placed in the next two ranked occupational categories:
operators. fabricators and labourers
(12 per cent) and service and private household workers (11 per cent); largely
occupations of a semi or unskilled nature that require low educational
achievement. Operators, fabricators and labourers
were found largely among the Cubans (19 per cent); Haitians (15 per cent) and
Dominicans (11 per cent). Each of the major immigrant groups had sizable
percentages of service and private household workers, ranging from 17 percent
of the Haitians to seven per cent of the Cubans.
The remaining 20 per cent of the immigrants had occupations that placed
them in a variety of categories from farm workers to professionals. Many use
their discretionary income to send remittances back to relatives in their
homelands, enabling some of them to also emigrate. In addition, remittances are
often used to purchase property, especially for retirement.
the 1.6 million Caribbean immigrants who were admitted during the 1970s and 1980s, representing
nearly three-fourths of all Caribbean immigrants since 1930, more than 60 per cent
settled in the three states of New York, Florida and New Jersey (Fig 3). More than half of the immigrants from each of the five major
sources chose one state. For example, New York was the first choice for
most immigrants from the Dominican Republic (68 per cent), Trinidad and Tobago (59 per cent), Jamaica (55 per cent) and Haiti (52 per cent) while most
Cubans chose Florida (57 per cent). All of these
immigrant groups had the same states as their leading destinations, namely Florida, New Jersey and New York. (Puerto Rico and the US Virgin Islands
were second choices for 14 per cent of the immigrants from the Dominican Republic and Trinidad and Tobago.) In sum, more than
three-fourths of the immigrants of each of the five major immigrant groups
chose only three destinations, ranging from 91 per cent of the Dominicans to 75
per cent of the Jamaicans. The proximities of the immigrants to eastern
seaboard states with large metropolitan areas that already had relatives and
friends who could help them with their settling process were undoubtedly
important considerations. Urban destinations are not formidable because most Caribbean immigrants originate in
urban areas where they are often employed at low wages.
immigration data on the declared intended residences of four of the leading Caribbean immigrant groups (Cubans,
Dominicans, Haitians and Jamaicans) show that in the late 1980s fewer than
three percent of the total number settled in non-MSAs
(places of under 50,000 populations). These four immigrant groups were, in
fact, highly selective in choosing their new locations. Approximately
three-fourths of the Cubans chose the Miami-Hialeah metropolitan area. Nearly
two-thirds of the Dominicans and half of the Jamaicans chose the New York city metropolitan area. Sherri Grasmuck and Patricia Pessar
estimated in 1990 the number of Dominicans had grown so large that they were to
quickly outnumber the Italians as New York city’s largest foreign-born
resident population. Meanwhile, about one-third of the Haitians settled also in
New York city and another one-third in
Miami-Hialeah. Smaller groups went to New Jersey’s metropolitan areas.
declarations of intended residence upon entry may be questioned as reliable
sources of data because immigrants are not bound to settle at their indicated
destinations. However, this is not the case. For instance, 1990 census data
reveal four states (California, Florida, New Jersey and New York) have over 50,000 Cuban
Americans or when these populations are combined 87 per cent of America’s total Cuban population
(1.1 million). Florida alone has 65 per cent of
this population. These are the same four states that 87 per cent of the Cuban
immigrants selected as destinations during the 1970s and 1980s. Furthermore,
Cubans who chose to reside in America’s urban areas continue to
live in them. Census data, too, show that 98 per cent of the Cuban-Americans
live in metropolitan areas with approximately half of them being residents of
central cities, explaining for example the development of Miami’s Little Havana. Each
immigrant group’s urban destinations have had large ethnic enclaves consisting
of residents from the Caribbean who participated in “network recruitments”
or formulated chain migrations. Virginia Dominguez maintains many Caribbean immigrants, especially,
Dominicans, Haitians and Jamaicans prefer “concentration over dispersal” and
therefore “self-segregation”. Aside from only New York, New Jersey and Florida
each receiving more than 50,000 Caribbean immigrants and a combined 78 per cent
of the total, other Caribbean immigrants numbering between 1,000 and 50,000
chose to settle in only fourteen states and Washington D.C (Fig. 3). Coincidentally, Puerto Rico received more Caribbean immigrants than any of the
15 destinations. Fewer than 1,000 immigrants chose to settle in each of the
remaining 33 states.
centuries, and despite its close proximity, the Caribbean islands have only recently
emerged as a major source of immigrants to the United States. Although the economic
conditions associated with underemployment, unemployment and population growth
have long been existent in the region and plausible causes for heavy
emigration, it took geo-political and governmental policy changes for the past
three decades to widen the opening for large-scale out-migration. Their numbers
help collective minority populations to become majority populations. Both
Miami-Hialeah arid New York city,
which are the dominant urban destinations, have large Hispanic and
African-American populations that when combined with other minority populations
make for the minorities constituting a majority population.
Immigration, therefore, continues to play a major
role, as it did in America’s earlier history, in determining the character of
American cities the major difference today is in the sources of the immigrants
who provide a more varied colouring or toning process
to American urbanisation, resembling the ‘process found-for decades in
Caribbean urbanisation. Barry Levine in fact, has asserted “. . . “creole America is now ‘reconquering’
the mainlands.”
Robert Pastor has claimed that after 1965 “the United States opened itself to becoming a
nation, and in particular a Caribbean Basin nation.” With projections
of little capital investment in the Caribbean that could produce widespread
gains in employment, nothing appears on the horizon to curtail emigration to
the United States -Even then, Erol Ricketts found Caribbean countries with considerable
American investment in the 1970s to have been greater sources of immigrants
because it dislocated labour. This is despite the intent of the Caribbean Basin
Initiative (result of 1983 Caribbean Basin Recovery Act) which was implemented
to help reduce emigration. Consequently, out-migration, long sanctioned or
overlooked by many Caribbean governments, has undoubtedly been a factor along with national family
planning programmes in some countries in reducing population growth rates in
the Caribbean in order to have fewer
potentially unemployed people. It is also beneficial to aging America where projections indicate
growing needs for a younger and more skilled labour force.
Reportedly, between five and
ten per cent of each Caribbean country’s population emigrated between 1950
and 1980, the highest rate of out-migration of any region in the world. Dennis
Conway has estimated “...that between 20 to 30 per cent of the region’s
population in 1980...” lived in Europe, Canada and the United States. And, America’s NBC News reported in 1993
that one-sixth of Jamaica’s population resides now in
America. Moreover, Conway claims that emigration is
now the most important factor in changing the Caribbean’s population. Its impact on
reducing both population growth rates and fertility rates needs to be studied
for each of the countries to determine a Caribbean-wide perspective. Meanwhile,
there is no doubt that America has become the Caribbean’s safety valve. This
emigration merely reflects another chapter in the ongoing redistribution of the
world’s population