The OAS and Human Rights in the Caribbean
By David J. Padilla and Elizabeth A. Houppert
Taken from “Democracy and Human Rights in the Caribbean” edited by
I. Griffith and B. Sedoc-Dahlberg.
Inter-American system, which dates back to the First International Conference
of American States in 1890, was consolidated, strengthened, and recreated as
the Organization of American States (OAS) in 1948. There were twenty-one
original member states of the OAS: the Spanish-speaking American states, Brazil, Haiti, and the United
States. The decolonization of the Caribbean has led to
the inclusion of almost all of the English-speaking islands, as well as Belize, Guyana, and Suriname. With the
addition of Canada in 1990, there are now thirty-five member states of the OAS.1
Cuba is a member of unique standing, deemed to have "suspended
itself" from the organization in 1962 for embracing principles contrary to
the Charter.2
The purposes
of the OAS are articulated in its Charter: to strengthen the peace and security
of the continent; to promote and consolidate representative democracy; to
ensure the pacific settlement of disputes; to provide for common action in the
event of aggression; to seek solutions to political, juridical, and economic
problems; to promote economic, social, and cultural development; and to limit
conventional weapons in order to devote "the largest amount of
resources" to economic and social development.3
During World
War II, the American states had convened an Inter-American Conference on Problems of War and Peace to examine the conflict and its
consequences and to prepare for peace. The Inter-American Treaty of
Reciprocal Assistance, a mutual defense pact, was subsequently adopted in
1947. Until very recently the priorities of the OAS, and its activities in the
hemisphere in general and in the Caribbean
specifically, were viewed within the context of the Cold War. Nascent guerrilla
movements were spawned in the early 1960s following Fidel Castro's revolution
in Cuba, and
insurgent movements challenged the ruling elites in many areas of Latin
America. The OAS both observed and participated in the
struggle between the superpowers.
This chapter reviews the role of the
OAS with respect to human rights in the Caribbean. The first
section provides an introduction to the Inter-Amer-ican
human rights system, its mandate, functions, and activities. The second section
covers three specific cases that illustrate the various types and levels of OAS
involvement in the Caribbean: Grenada, Suriname, and Haiti. A third
section offers some concluding observations.
The Inter-American Human Rights System
Inter-American system for the protection of human rights was initiated
concurrently with the adoption of the Charter of the OAS in 1948 by the Ninth
International Conference of American States. Elaborating upon the Charter-based
duty of member states to respect, without discrimination, the fundamental
rights of the individual, the 1948 Conference adopted the American Declaration
of the Rights and Duties of Man.4 The American Declaration,
like the Universal Declaration on Human Rights adopted seven months later,
recognizes a broad range of civil and political rights and freedoms.
Significantly, the declaration acknowledges that the state does not confer
rights upon individuals; rather, "the essential rights of man ... are
based upon attributes of his human personality." In 1959 the ministers of
foreign affairs of the member states established the Inter-American Commission
on Human Rights (IACHR), the initial inter-Amcrican
mechanism to promote respect for the human rights as set forth in the American
Declaration while the member states considered how a treaty-based system could
be elaborated.5 This development was not realized until the 1969
adoption of the American Convention on Human Rights.6
commission is composed of seven members who are elected to four-year terms by
the OAS General Assembly from the panels of candidates proposed by member
states. Whereas the European and African Human Rights Commissions were
established as convention institutions, the Inter-American Commission was
created by resolution and evolved into its present functions and competence.
The commission's initial statute, adopted in 1960, was tentative, enabling the
commission to receive and study information concerning human rights and to make
recommendations to the member states. In 1965 the statute was strengthened, and
an individual petition system was articulated to institutionalize the
commission's receipt of and response to complaints concerning human rights
violations. This enhancement of the commission's competence was critical, as
the individual petition procedure remains a key component of the commission's
oversight process. The evolution of the commission continued with its elevation
to the status of a principal organ of the OAS through the adoption of
amendments to the Charter in 1967. The amended Charter designated the IACHR
"to promote the observance and protection of human rights and to serve as
a consultative organ of the Organization." The Charter amendments also
anticipated the adoption of an Inter-American convention on human rights,
which upon entry into force would determine the structure, competence, and
procedure of the commission. The American Convention on Human Rights was
adopted in 1969 and entered into force in 1978 when Grenada became the
eleventh member state to ratify it.7 This
ratification played an important role in the inter-American human rights
system, as the entry into force of the American Convention transformed the
legal and institutional nature of the system. The commission now acts as a
convention institution in relation to member states that have ratified the
convention and as a Charter organ in relation to nonratifying
member states.
The American
Convention also established the Inter-American Court of Human Rights as the
systemic institution capable of exercising binding juridical authority. The
court is composed of seven judges, nominated and elected by convention parties
to six-year terms. It is empowered to exercise its binding jurisdiction only at
the request of the commission or a state party where all states concerned have
ratified the convention and expressly accepted the court's compulsory
jurisdiction. It may exercise its advisory jurisdiction at the request of a
member state, the commission, or other qualified organs of the OAS. Additional
instruments promulgated to complement the American Declaration and the American
Convention are: the Inter-American Convention to Prevent and Punish Torture
(1985); the Additional Protocol in the Area of Economic, Social, and Cultural
Rights—"Protocol of San Salvador"
(1988); the Protocol to Abolish the Death Penalty (1990);
Inter-American Convention on Forced Disappearance of Persons (1994); and the
Inter-American Convention to Prevent, Punish, and Eradicate Violence Against
Women (1994).
commission has three primary functions among its many activities:
processing individual
cases; conducting on-site visits; and preparing and publishing special studies
and reports. Any person or group may lodge a complaint alleging that a member
state has violated a protected right. The rights protected are those of the
convention in the case of ratifying states or those of the American Declaration
in the case of nonratifying states. Interstate
petitions may be lodged only where all the states concerned have accepted the
commission's competence to consider such cases.
processing of complaints by the commission only varies slightly depending on
whether it is exercising its convention-based or declaration-based
jurisdiction. According to the most basic requirements the claimant must: (1)
provide basic facts that allege a violation by a member state of a protected
right; (2) indicate that scope for legal redress in the state concerned has
been exhausted, although this requirement is subject to important exceptions;
(3) present the petition in a timely manner; and (4) not have previously
brought the complaint before another international body. Once an appropriately
founded petition has been reviewed, the commission informs the government of
the complaint and requests a response. Any reply is transmitted to the
petitioner, who may in turn submit observations thereon. Should the government
fail to respond, the commission may decide to presume the facts of the
denunciation to be true.8 The commission
may also conduct its own inquiry into the complaint by holding hearings or conducting
an on-site investigation. If a petition indicates that a person's life or physical
integrity is in danger, the commission may adopt special measures to respond to
the urgency of the situation.
The commission approaches human
rights issues in member states by attempting to work with the member state
involved in seeking a resolution. Public censure or other measures perceived to
be more "adversarial" are resorted to only when cooperation has been
unsuccessful. Whenever possible the commission will offer to facilitate a
friendly settlement between the parties to a case." If that is not
possible, the commission will issue its conclusions and recommendations on the
case and forward them to the government for action. Where a violation is
found, the commission will generally recommend that the government investigate
and determine responsibility for the breach and that it repair the breach,
compensate the victim, and desist from further violations. Should the
government fail to comply with the recommendations within the specified period
of time, the commission will either publish the report, or, in the case of
member states that have ratified the American Convention and accepted the
compulsory jurisdiction of the Inter-American
Court, it may decide to bring the case
before the court.
In cases in which the court
determines that a violation of a protected right has occurred, the ruling will
generally direct that the victim be ensured of the future enjoyment of the
right concerned and that the consequences of the breach be remedied and the
victim compensated. As of December 1994 the Court had issued thirteen advisory
opinions, with one pending before it, and seven opinions in binding cases, with
four then under consideration.
The commission is empowered to
conduct on-site investigations of specific cases, or, with the consent of the
government concerned, it may carry out an on-site visit to assess the overall
situation of human rights or a specific problem in a member state. The
activities of a visit generally include meetings with government authorities,
usually with key representatives of the branches of government and of the
ministries with special responsibility relating to human rights. The
delegation meets with representatives of various social sectors, community
leaders, and representatives of nongovernmental organizations. The delegation
often splits into working groups to travel to different sites. The commission
delegation also receives individual complaints during on-site visits. The
commission's first on-site visit was undertaken in 1961 in the Dominican
Republic. The commission's visit initiated
an intensive involvement that resulted in additional visits in 1963, and again
in 1965 and 1966. The visits varied in scope. The first was to investigate
complaints of widespread violations; the second was initiated to investigate a
particular case but was expanded to assess the overall situation; the third was
a wide-ranging protective action taken at the request of rival factions during
a period of civil strife.10
As noted
earlier, the commission also pursues its mandate through the preparation and
publication of reports and special studies. It publishes an annual report that
includes: a summary of its activities; individual case reports;
updates on
the situation of human rights in selected member states; thematic studies,
including discussion of areas in which further action is required to advance
respect for human rights in the hemisphere; and the commission's observations
and recommendations in that respect. Thematic studies allow the commission to
gather information, to explore new issues, or to comprehend the dimensions of
a problem of regional or hemispheric scope and address it comprehensively.
The commission also publishes
special country reports on a regular basis, most often in conjunction with an
on-site visit to the member state. This type of report includes: a review of
recent activities of the commission in relation to the country; a contextual
overview of the domestic legal framework; a detailed analysis of the situation
of human rights in the member state in terms of compliance with the American
Declaration or Convention; and observations and recommendations aimed at
resolving specific issues and enhancing respect for human rights. The special
country report has proven to be a valuable tool because it contains a comprehensive
examination of the human rights situation and provides a means to approach
large-scale violations of human rights not easily or adequately addressed by
the individual case process.
Case Studies
Grenada became a
member state of the OAS in 1975 when it ratified the Charter. Three years later
it hosted the annual General Assembly of the OAS in its capital, St.
George's. Despite its record in the area of
human rights abuses, it was under the Eric M. Gairy
regime that Grenada became the
eleventh OAS member state to ratify the American Convention on Human Rights,
thereby bringing the treaty into force. It was speculated by some that this
action was intended to placate the administration of U.S. President Jimmy
Carter and to make Grenada a more
palatable site for the General Assembly. During the Assembly, Gairy's opposition mounted a political demonstration
protesting the prime minister's heavy-handed political tactics, which included
police brutality, laws aimed at controlling public demonstrations and
meetings, confiscatory property laws, and political gerrymandering. Riot
police were summoned, and they opened fire on the crowd, killing one person and
wounding several others.11
Against the
backdrop of the growing strength of the combined opposition to the Gairy regime (which had won six seats to the Grenada United
Labor Party's [GULP] nine in the 1976 elections), the radical New Jewel Movement
(NJM) led by Maurice Bishop ousted Gairy in a predawn
coup d'etat on March 13,1979,
while Gairy was out of the country.12 The
OAS adopted a wait-and-see attitude. No special meeting of foreign ministers
was convened and no condemnation was issued.
takeover permitted the installation of the People's Revolutionary Government
(PRG) and its own brand of repression. This included the confiscation of the Torchlight
newspaper and the Catholic Focus, a church bulletin. The first occurred
on October 13, 1979, when army chief Hudson Austin, implementing orders of the
PRG, closed the newspaper "in the interest of peace, order and national
security." The Torchlight, which was owned by the Trinidad
Express, brought its case before the IACHR. With respect to both
publications, in its 1982/83 annual report the commission stated: "[IJn accordance with the American Convention on Human
Rights, [it] has been acting as agent for peaceful solution in order to reach a
solution [sic] to this case based on respect for human rights, taking
into account that the parties in dispute have accepted its participation."13
In another case, referred to in the same annual report, the commission noted:
"In Grenada, Leslie
Pierre, editor of the 'Voice,' has been under arrest without charges since 1981
because of the government's opposition."14
During the
rule of the PRG, numerous persons were detained without due process of law, but
very few formal complaints were brought to the attention of the commission.
This may perhaps be explained in terms of Grenada's
relatively new membership in the OAS, the absence of an organized, effective,
nongovernmental human rights organization on the island, and the unfamiliarity
of the Grenadian people with the commission and its procedures. While in power
the PRG abolished habeas corpus for political prisoners, suspended the
country's constitution, and refused to call elections.15 Another issue that faced the OAS while the PRG was in power
was the exclusion of Grenada from the
multilateral assistance provided by the United
States through its Caribbean Basin
Initiative. Grenada's ambassador to the OAS complained bitterly about this
discrimination in the spring of 1983, and the point was underscored by Prime
Minister Bishop himself in a subsequent protocolary
speech to the Permanent Council.16 While the legal issue of
differential treatment of potential beneficiaries of multilateral aid was still
being debated in the OAS, events overtook the controversy.
within the NJM leadership led to the murder-massacre of Maurice Bishop and
some of his supporters on October 19,1983, prompting the invasion by U.S. armed
forces on October 25, in concert with forces by the governments of the
Organization of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS).17 The OAS played no
role in the invasion. In contrast to the United Nations (UN) Security Council, which condemned the U.S. invasion as a violation of international law by an 11-1 vote, the OAS
Permanent Council split largely along regional lines. The member
states of the OECS spoke strongly of their need to take preemptive defensive
action and their request for U.S. military assistance.
The majority of Latin American spokesmen, on the other hand, criticized the
intervention in varying degrees. The debate ended without the adoption of a
After the
invasion, several additional individual petitions were presented to the
commission alleging human rights violations by U.S. military
forces and the new provisional government of Prime Minister Nicholas Brathwaite. The first petition alleged U.S.
responsibility for mistakenly bombing a mental asylum and thereby killing more
than twenty patients. The petition by Disabled Peoples International was
apparently deemed by the commission to have been resolved when the U.S. government
rebuilt the mental health facility and compensated the relatives of the
The second
case brought against the United
States was presented on behalf of Bernard
and Phyllis Coard and fifteen other NJM leaders
charged in Bishop's death. Here the petitioners alleged violations of the
defendants' due process rights, particularly their having been held
incommunicado on U.S. naval
vessels and interrogated without the presence of counsel. This case was
declared admissible as a procedural matter in February 1994, and the IACHR will
proceed to consider the matter on its merits.20 It
may be noted that Bernard Coard and his codefendants
were originally condemned to be hanged, but pursuant to a request from the
IACHR, the death sentences were commuted to life imprisonment. This was done
in line with the commission's long-established policy of objecting on humanitarian
grounds to the imposition of capital punishment.21
The final
case, which was still pending before the commission as of December 1994, was
brought against the new government of Grenada. The
petition alleges that the Coards and the others charged
with responsibility for the October 19 killings were subjected to physical
mistreatment during incarceration and were detained in inhumane conditions.
Suriname, a
crown colony of the Kingdom of the Netherlands for two centuries, gained its
independence in 1975 and became a member of the OAS on June 8, 1977.22
By 1980 the people of Suriname were sufficiently weary of the real or perceived
corruption in the government that they largely
welcomed the coup d'etat led by
Sergeant Desi Bouterse and
a group of fellow noncommissioned officers who were angry about their low
salaries. Within two years, however, the "revolution" turned ugly.
For example, on the night of December 7,
1982, fifteen ofSuriname's most
prominent leaders were arrested at their homes, taken to army headquarters at Fort Zee-landia, and
For peaceful
Suriname, the event
was traumatic. Internationally, indignation was translated into sanctions from
which Suriname is still
trying to recover. First, the Netherlands ended development
assistance of some $100 million, part of the
separation agreement from the mother country.23 The United States
also suspended its $1 million of annual development aid. Multilateral lenders
such as the World Bank and the Inter-American Development Bank also ceased
In June 1983
the IACHR conducted the first of several on-site human rights observations in Suriname. During
that visit Lieutenant Colonel Bouterse (he had
promoted himself) defended the deaths of the fifteen as necessary to protect
the revolution. In its report issued in October of that year the commission
cited the military government for violations of the right to life, physical
integrity (specifically including torture), and personal liberty. The
commission found the government responsible for the denial of due process and
for restrictions on the freedoms of press and assembly as well as for the
dictatorship's violation of the political rights of the citizens of Suriname to
elect their own government.24 The investigation also involved the
taking of testimony from some of the widows and relatives of the executed men,
from their location in exile in Amsterdam and Leiden,
The commission made another on-site visit in 1984, during which it,
inter alia, visited political prisoners and
insisted that the murderers of 1982 be brought to account. Lieutenant Colonel Bouterse reiterated his insistence that the murders were
the result of "revolutionary necessity." The commission's more
comprehensive second report, published in 1985, further documented large-scale
human rights violations as the dictatorship sought to consolidate its hold on
By 1986 Suriname's political
and human rights situation had become even more complicated. On the one hand, a
slow process had been set into motion to adopt a new constitution, an
undertaking that would lead to elections and the restoration of formal
democracy in 1987. In an effort to improve its human rights image, Suriname ratified
the American Convention on Human Rights and accepted the compulsory
jurisdiction of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights in late 1986.26
On the other hand, some ofSuriname's Maroon
population began rebelling against the military authorities in mid-1986. Faced
with increasingly harsh conditions in the interior and violations of their
treaty rights, a small number of Maroons under the leadership of Ronnie Brunswijk, a former Bouterse
bodyguard, formed a guerrilla organization called the Jungle Commando.27
Forays by
the Jungle Commando were met by broad and merciless repression against the
Maroon population in general, culminating in a massacre at a Djuka village called Moiwana in
the fall of that year. The IACHR (among other governmental and nongovernmental
human rights organizations) reported that over 200 persons, including women
and children, had been slain in cold blood.28 One result of the
slaughter was the formation ofSuriname's first
nongovernmental human rights organization, under the leadership of educator and
Djuka tribesman Stanley Rensch.
Rensch's organization, among other things, presented
denunciations to the IACHR in connection with numerous wrongful deaths. One was
the murder of seven Maroon boatmen in Atjoni, in
south-central Suriname, a case
that became known as Aloeboetoe et al. v Suriname.19
The second was the death of a returning Surinamese
immigrant, who had allegedly hanged himself while being held in incommunicado
detention by the military police in 1987. This case became known as Gangaram Panday v
Both cases
were processed by the commission, which in due course found the government of Suriname responsible
for the violation of the right to life of the various victims. Both cases were
then taken by the commission to the Inter-American
Court for litigation. In the matter of Aloeboetoe, the government eventually
accepted responsibility and was ordered to pay an indemnity of $453,000 to the
boatmen's next of kin.31 In Panday,
the court held that there had been an illegal detention but that there was
insufficient proof to conclude that the victim had been tortured or murdered. Suriname was ordered
to pay $10,000 to the victim's widow.
commission conducted further visits to the country in 1987 and 1988, and
Suriname continued to be subject to commission reporting into the early 1990s.32
Progress toward true democracy stumbled in December 1990 when Bouterse's allies in the armed forces staged another coup d'etat. However, prompt and intense international pressure
forced the holding of elections several months later. OAS actions included the
observation of national elections by expert observers in 1991, the negotiation
of the peaceful return from French Guyana of thousands of Maroons and
Amerindian refugees who had fled Suriname during the civil war of 1986-1987,
and the eventual disarmament and demobilization of the Jungle Commando and
several Maroon and Amerindian surrogate forces that had been sponsored by the
army. The secretary-general's representatives also cooperated with the
Surinamese government in the defusing and removal of mines. In addition, they
provided technical assistance in civil education and worked on projects to
strengthen democratic institutions.33 The OAS continues to maintain
a reduced presence in Suriname to monitor
compliance with the peace accords.
This account is at best a
thumbnail sketch of the events of the 1980 Suriname and of the constructive
role played by the OAS through three its organs—the Inter-American Commission
on Human Rights, the Inter American Court of Human Rights, and the General
Secretariat. Each these OAS bodies made crucial contributions in the factual
reporting of developments in Suriname to the political organs of the
OAS—the Permanent Council, the Meeting of Consultation of Foreign Ministers,
and the General Assembly. They also served to pressure the parties to reduce
human rights violations, to free political prisoners, to negotiate truces, and
to reach and implement peace and disarmament accords. In some exemplary cases,
the commission was able, through the Inter-American Court, to obtain more damages for
human rights victims. Similarly, the OAS played a critical role in inducing the
various actors in Suriname to adopt a constitution (and later to effect key
amendments) and to hold free and fair elections. Though Suriname faces many difficulties, civil
processes have been set into motion,democracy
has been restored, and the country has an opportunity to address the social and
economic challenges that confront it.
The case of Haiti illustrates dramatically the
essential linkage between a functioning system of representative democratic
governance and the maintenance of the conditions necessary to guarantee
respect for human rights. The tragic history of Haiti, with its cycles of escalating
violence and repression and deteriorating human rights, has warranted numerous
crisis interventions by the IACHR and the political organs of the OAS. Haiti holds the dubious distinction of
being the subject of nine special reports (with two follow-up reports) by the
commission—the most on a single member state.
The successive regimes of
Francois Duvalier and his son Jean-Claude were characterized by the practice of
severe, widespread human rights violations coupled with the extension of
impunity to the perpetrators. It was hoped that the triumphant inauguration of
Father Jean-Bertrand Aristide, Haiti's first democratically elected
president, on February 7, 1991, would mark the end of abusive
authoritarian rule. Instead, the September 30, 1991, overthrow of the Aristide
government threw Haiti back into a regime of political
repression and persecution and into a new cycle of grave human rights abuses.
IACHR began responding to complaints of human rights violations in Haiti almost as soon as it became
operational. Prompted by the gravity of the complaints, in the fall of'1962 and
again in the spring of 1963, the commission requested the consent of the
Haitian government to conduct an on-site visit to assess the situation. The
government ignored the first request and adamantly refused the second, arguing
that such requests
constituted interference in the internal
affairs of the republic.
The political organs
of the OAS followed with particular concern the tensions between Haiti and the Dominican Republic after the inauguration of Dominican President Juan
Bosch in 1963. The Duvalierists were then carrying out a particularly vicious
spasm of terror in Haiti. A few months after Bosch's inauguration,
Duvalierist police took over the Dominican embassy in Port-au-Prince and also invaded the grounds of the Dominican
ambassador's residence. Bosch appealed to the OAS, which approved the dispatch
of a delegation to Haiti to investigate. The delegation returned almost immediately,
however, having been clearly rebuffed.34 Duvalier was not swayed by
OAS pressure; his assumption of the presidency for life was itself in violation
of the OAS Charter provisions concerning representative democracy.
In 1967 the
commission published a report on the situation of Haitian citizens repatriated
by Dominican authorities during the spring of 1966.3S Denunciations
received by the commission reported that some of these citizens had been
executed in the Haitian border area of Tilori. In
1968 the commission published the report, "Haiti and the
Right of Political Asylum," which set forth the commission's findings and
analyzed the likely consequences of the government's denunciation of
international conventions on the right of asylum.36
Despite the
government's continued refusal to consent to an on-site visit, the commission
issued a comprehensive special report on the situation of human rights in Haiti in 1969.
The report notes the 1963 suspension by decree of a number of constitutional
guarantees, which enabled the government to deprive specified citizens of their
Haitian nationality and to confiscate their goods and property.37
The report contains the pertinent parts of complaints received throughout the
mid-1960s concerning arbitrary and incommunicado detention, torture, and the
massacres of scores of people at a time, including entire families, committed
by the military, by the Tonton Macoutes,
and by others under government order.
In 1977,
under the regime of Jean-Claude Duvalier, Haiti ratified
the American Convention on Human Rights. In response to a government invitation,
the commission conducted an on-site visit to Haiti the
following year and reported its findings.38 Though
the commission noted some improvement in the human rights situation during the
initial years of the regime, the government was found to be responsible for
numerous violations of the right to life and physical integrity. The almost
permanent "state of siege" had eliminated any separation of powers
and had restricted legal guarantees. Many people were subject to detention without
procedural guarantees and without access to counsel. The right of political
participation and the enjoyment of economic, social, and cultural rights were
determined to be virtually nonexistent. The commission recommended specific
measures, such as the repeal of several laws to bring domestic legislation into
line with the American Convention, and other actions to remedy the violations
identified. The commission also called upon international organizations to
provide aid to improve socioeconomic conditions.
In early
1986, just weeks before he went into exile, Jean-Claude Duvalier had invited
the commission to conduct another on-site visit. That visit was aborted, but in
July of that year Haiti's National Governing Council issued a new invitation,
and the on-site visit was held from January 20 through 23, 1987. The commission
perceived advances in the freedoms of expression and association, but it
criticized the status of the right to personal liberty and of due process and
noted that detainees were held in deplorable conditions.
Prompted by
the tragic outcome of election day, November 29, 1987, in March
1988 the commission requested, and was granted, consent to conduct another
on-site visit. General Henri Namphy's assumption of
power on June 20,
1988, prompted the Permanent Council of the OAS to meet on June
29. The Permanent Council reaffirmed the Charter principles of respect for
representative democracy and human rights and requested the commission to
examine and report to the next General Assembly on the situation of human
rights in Haiti. The
commission delegation carried out the on-site visit in Haiti from August
29 through September 2,1988, and issued a special report later
that year.39 The commission's report particularly emphasized the
urgent need to establish a timetable for free and fair elections to be held to
establish a democratic civilian government. In light of the tragic disruption
of the 1987 elections and the population's doubt that the military would turn
over power to a popularly elected civilian government, the commission
recommended that international election observers be utilized to supervise the
electoral process.
General Prosper Avril's assumption of power in
September 1988, the Permanent Council of the OAS requested that the commission
conduct another on-site visit to Haiti and
continue "giving priority attention to the human rights situation in Haiti." It
also recommended that the OAS secretary-general dispatch a mission of election
observers (if so requested) to the upcoming election.40 While the
commission was attempting to set the terms for the visit, General Avril was replaced as the head of government by President Ertha Pascal-Trouillot, who
consented to an on-site visit that took place from April 17 through 20, 1990.
As a result of the visit, the commission submitted a special report to the
1990 OAS General Assembly meeting in Paraguay that
emphasized as critical the establishment of the security necessary for the
people to express their political will in the forthcoming election. As an
initial step, this would require the establishment of respect for basic human
rights—personal freedom, free expression, assembly, and association. It would
also require that those accused of committing grave human rights violations be
brought to trial. Citizens had reported a complete lack of effort to
investigate or punish those responsible for violations—sustaining a climate of
fear that would be likely to disrupt the next election.
The OAS and
Human Rights in the Caribbean 43
commission emphasized the critical importance of professionalizing the police
and army, of separating the two forces, and of subordinating both to civilian
control. The delegation also recommended that the disarming and disbanding of
paramilitary groups and armed militias be made a priority. Further, the
commission noted that the system of Section Chiefs (persons appointed by the
armed forces to maintain security in rural areas) was a major cause of the
climate of fear. The commission emphasized that only under the appropriate
conditions of respect for human rights could Haiti secure
democratization. In light of the commission's report, and with particular
concern that the next election be held in conditions of security for the
voters, the General Assembly approved a resolution entitled "Support for
the Democratic Process in the Republic of Haiti."41
election preparations proceeded, the commission received information that the
human rights situation was deteriorating further. The commission dispatched a
small delegation to investigate from September 10 through 14, 1990, and the
full commission visited Haiti from
November 14 through 16, 1990. In its 1990/91 annual report, the commission
published an update on the situation in Haiti and noted
with encouragement that the election had been conducted successfully and
peacefully, as validated by OAS and UN electoral observers.42
The ouster
of constitutionally elected President Jean-Bertrand Aristide by the military
both challenged and frustrated the OAS, initiating a period of intensive action
on the part of the political organs of the OAS and the commission. The
Permanent Council of the OAS met in emergency session immediately after the
coup. It condemned the violent interruption of the constitutional exercise of
power in Haiti and
demanded the restoration of the democratically elected president.43
On October 1, 1991, the commission issued a press release expressing grave
concern over the events comprising the coup, which constituted violations of
political rights and other fundamental rights and freedoms. In an emergency
meeting the following day the ministers of foreign affairs of the OAS drafted
and adopted a resolution designed to embargo and diplomatically isolate the
illegal regime.44 The ministers called upon the IACHR "to take
all measures within its competence to protect and defend human rights in
Haiti." During the suspension of the constitutional government, the
commission conducted three on-site visits to Haiti and issued
three special reports to the General Assembly of the OAS.
During its
October 1991 period of sessions the commission consulted with President
Aristide, the secretary-general of the OAS, and the representative of the
Haitian mission to the OAS and subsequently dispatched a special delegation to
Haiti in December 1991 to gather information, identify specific problems, and
assess prospects for the commission to continue its work there. The delegation
reported to the Permanent Council that the grave institutional crisis, extreme
poverty, political polarization, widespread violence, and the lack of a
democratic tradition had created a highly volatile and dangerous situation.
In February
1992 the OAS sponsored the meetings that led to the Washington Accords, which
were later abandoned as impossible to implement. The subsequently adopted
Florida Declaration requested the assistance of the international community in
finding a political solution and specifically requested that the OAS send a
civilian mission to Haiti. The OAS
dispatched a delegation to Haiti from August
18 through 20, 1992, as a means of reopening negotiations and as the first
step toward initiating an OAS civilian mission. This led to negotiations in
Washington between the envoys of President Aristide and Marc Bazin, which resulted in the authorization of an
eighteen-member civilian mission to be sent to Haiti to contribute to a reduction
of the violence, encourage respect for human rights, help to assess progress
toward a political settlement, and assist in the distribution of humanitarian
aid. The OAS civilian mission began its work in September 1992. After only
three months, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs informed the mission that there
was no legal basis for their presence and that it could not guarantee their
safety. The OAS and the UN nevertheless continued efforts to strengthen and
expand the civilian mission. In February 1993 an enhanced joint mission was
established with the principal mandate of ensuring respect for human rights in
order to cultivate conditions for the restoration of democracy.45
After the
ouster of President Aristide, the commission repeatedly requested the consent
of the de facto government to carry out an on-site visit. The de facto
government responded that as it had already consented to the presence of an OAS
civilian mission, which was assessing the human rights situation, a commission
visit was not necessary. In spite of this lack of cooperation, the commission
nevertheless prepared a special report on the human rights situation in Haiti in 1992, by
relying on complaints received from victims of violations and information from
human rights groups operating inside and outside of Haiti.
commission again met with President Aristide during its March 1993 regular period
of sessions and at his behest requested consent to conduct another on-site
visit. After a period of nonresponsiveness from the
de facto regime, the visit was permitted and carried out from August 23 through
27, 1993. The commission delegation met with political leaders and officials
from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, with members of the OAS/UN civilian
mission, and with representatives of various nongovernmental organizations and
social sectors. Commission working groups traveled from Port-au-Prince to the
Central Plateau and Arbonite regions. In the course
of the visit, the commission received many complaints of violations of the
rights to life, liberty, and security, and of the rights to freedom of
expression and assembly. The commission verified that the extant climate of
fear and repression was prompting the large-scale internal displacement of
persons fleeing their homes and living in hiding. Many persons seeking to
provide information to the commission insisted on clandestine meetings,
fearing reprisals by the military authorities.
commission issued press releases on September 24 and October 15, 1993,46 expressing
deep concern over killings and other violent acts perpetrated by neo-Tonton Macoutes paramilitary
groups against Aristide supporters. The releases specifically noted the
assassinations of well-known Aristide supporters Antoine Izmery
and Minister of Justice Guy Malary. Also cited were
reports of violent demonstrations organized by the Haitian Front for
Advancement and Progress (FRAPH) and other paramilitary groups, carried out
with the support of police, in which citizens were threatened and terrorized
and diplomatic personnel and journalists were threatened and harassed.
In the face
of the worsening situation of human rights in Haiti, the commission made
another on-site visit to the country from May 16 through 20, 1994. The
delegation confirmed a marked deterioration in the human rights situation since
its August 1993 visit and pointed to "an increase in the number and
brutality of human rights violations by the Army, FRAPH, and other paramilitary
groups working in tandem with the military (attaches) in the country's
interior."47 The commission reported on numerous extrajudicial
executions, disappearances, kidnappings, and torture and described the practice
of mutilating bodies for the purpose of terrorizing the population. The
commission also drew special attention to the use of rape as an instrument of
terror against the wives and female relatives of supporters of the democratic
regime. The overall human rights picture in Haiti was
"one of very serious deterioration in the most elementary human rights ...
all part of a plan to intimidate and terrorize a defenseless people."48
commission has also taken special action to meet human rights consequences
outside of Haiti generated
by the crisis, most critically with respect to the plight of Haitian refugees.
A case has been opened against the United
States, based on the claim that the
forcible return by authorities of "Haitian boat people" intercepted
on the high seas, without any screening of asylum claims, is a violation of the
American Declaration. On March 12,
1993, the commission issued precautionary measures in the case,
calling upon the United States to halt its
practice of repatriation without asylum screening and to ensure that Haitians
in the United States are not
returned without such screening.
numbers of Haitians fled to the Bahamas as well,
creating a potential flash point: The Bahamian government lacked sufficient
resources to deal with the influx, and the situation generated considerable
social tension. The commission received information that there were between
40,000 and 50,000 undocumented Haitian immigrants in the Bahamas—equivalent to
almost 20 percent of the Bahamian population.49 The commission
carried out an on-site observation in the Bahamas in May 1994 to assess the
situation ' more fully. On the one hand, the delegation expressed concern as to
whether Haitians were being accorded adequate due process in the determination
of their refugee status in the Bahamas and whether
those being detained were held in adequate conditions. On the other hand, it
recognized the contribution of the Bahamas in hosting
a large proportion of Haitians fleeing violence and repression in their home
country and in extending to them access to basic social services. The
commission noted with dismay that while the international community had
vociferously condemned the situation in Haiti, virtually
no state had been willing to accept fleeing Haitians, and it called upon the international
community to provide support to the government of the Bahamas in its
efforts. The commission reiterated that the solution to the situation of
Haitian refugees was linked to the restoration of democracy in Haiti, a task in
which "all the states of the hemisphere must share responsibility."50
commission visited Haiti again from
October 24 through 27, 1994. The delegation met with President Aristide and
expressed its "profound satisfaction with the restoration of the
democratic regime" as well as its interest in collaborating with his
administration in addressing the human rights challenges that lie ahead. Among
the issues identified by the commission as pressing are: the disarming of the
paramilitary groups; the establishment of a legitimate police force and an
effective judiciary; a review of prison conditions and the status of those
incarcerated; and "an accounting of exactly what happened during the
military dictatorship and, in particular, a detailed review of the human rights
violations suffered by the Haitian people.'"'1 These are just some of the
prerequisites for establishing a civil society based on respect for the rule of
in the Caribbean region occurred largely in the
context of declared acceptance of parliamentary democracy and respect for
democratic institutions and ideals—with respect for civil and political rights
expressed as the counterpart of this political-institutional framework. The
reality of the relationship between the governors and the governed in the
region has historically been far more complex, and the commitment to
democratic practice and respect for the individual has been subject to notable
exceptions. The cases presented here, for example, arose in the context of a
breakdown in constitutional protections and a concomitant rise in human rights
In Haiti as well as
in Grenada, Suriname, and the
rest of the Caribbean, respect for human rights
has been and continues to be inextricably linked with the pursuit of
participatory representative government. In the post-Cold War era, the regional
consensus on the validity of democratic political systems and the common
interest in free market economic reform provide a new basis for hemispheric
cooperation.52 "The Santiago Commitment to Democracy and the
Renewal of the Inter-American System," adopted by the OAS General Assembly
in 1991, explicitly recognizes that the current political and economic climate
presents a new opportunity for cooperative ; regional action to advance the
basic purposes of the OAS.53 The Inter-American Commission on Human
Rights, as the OAS's principal human rights I mechanism, has played and will
continue to play an important role in confronting the failings in democratic
practice and in strengthening democratic institutions in order to enhance the
respect for and observance of human rights in the hemisphere.
The case
studies demonstrate some of the lesser-known but very important work of the
commission and the OAS. For example, in the case of Suriname, the
commission played a significant role in chronicling and drawing international
attention to very grave human rights violations. The Inter-American Court of
Human Rights adjudicated two contentious cases against Suriname. The
political organs played a critical role in observing and providing technical
assistance to the 1991 electoral process. The OAS maintained an observer
presence throughout the pacification process, and it continues to carry out
projects in Suriname through its
Unit for the Promotion of Democracy. Other components of the OAS have played an
important role throughout the Caribbean. For
example, the Inter-American Economic and Social Council and the Pan American
Health Organization have sponsored initiatives in the areas of development,
education, and health.
Most Caribbean member
states have been very supportive of action by the OAS and the commission in the
field of human rights. Barbados, Dominica, Dominican
Republic, Grenada, Haiti, and Jamaica are party
to the American Convention; Antigua
and Barbuda is currently pursuing
ratification. Suriname and Trinidad
and Tobago are party to the Convention
and have accepted the compulsory jurisdiction of the Inter-American
Court. This represents important
progress in the process of consolidating the Inter-American system for the
protection of human rights. The Caribbean member
states could play an even more significant role in the Inter-American human
rights system if they all would ratify the Convention and accept the compulsory
jurisdiction of the Inter-American Court.