Ann Marie Bissessar
Taken from “Governance in the Caribbean” edited by
Selwyn Ryan and Ann Marie Bissessar.
During the
1980s many countries worldwide attempted to reform their public bureaucracies
by replacing the traditional system of Public Administration with what Hood
(1991) commonly referred to as New Public Management (NPM). It was obvious that
the ideological justifications for introducing NPM was
based on the doctrines of the 'new right' which placed increasing reliance on
market forces and a reduced role for the state. The introduction of NPM was
thus a universal movement which emphasized competition between service
providers, a new mix of reform involving state and market, decentralization,
freedom of choice to citizens and new managers who were "free to
manage" (Aucoin 1990;
Metcalfe and Richards 1984; Hood 1991). What was
obvious, though, was that reforms in many countries of the world were being
pursued with varying degrees of enthusiasm and some governments were adopting
one set of policies while other governments focused on other features.
According to Hood (1991), the change
or movement from a model of 'administration' to a model of 'management' was due
to several interrelated imperatives and he linked these to what he termed four
mega-trends. The first trend he identified emerged out of the need to slow down
or reverse the growth of government, particularly in areas such as staffing.
The second trend was the shift toward privatization and semi-privatization,
while the development of automation was cited as the third trend and
governmental cooperation represented the fourth trend.
It should be recalled that in many
developed countries, including the UK and the US, one of the
frequent explanations advanced for the shift from large to small bureaucracies
was the need to curb expenditure. Many of these countries had experienced a
long economic boom until the early seventies followed by global crisis in the
mid seventies
and then slow and partial recovery
punctuated by sometimes sharp depression. It was suggested that these
depressions were partly responsible for governments, first in the UK and later
in the US, having to
move away from their original roles of providing welfare to that of
facilitating the delivery of services. The concern to reduce costs in the
public bureaucracies along with the need to compete on the global market would
also have led these governments to experiment with and employ new, more
managerial types of administration.
By the 1980s, it was evident that in
attempting to reform their bureaucracies many of the countries in the
Commonwealth Caribbean also embraced NPM doctrines. This article will examine
and evaluate some of the reform measures that were introduced. It concludes,
though, that although the doctrines employed within each country were similar,
there were differences in the method employed by each government and also
varying degrees of success. This article will accordingly examine the political
and economic environments and assess the degree to which these factors have
hindered the implementation of NPM reforms in four countries namely Jamaica, Guyana, Trinidad
and Tobago and Barbados.
The Caribbean Context
The islands
of the Commonwealth Caribbean comprise a cluster of nations which had formerly
been under colonial rule. Apart from a shared history, each of these islands
also has a distinctive socio-economic order which has been largely determined
by the experiences of slavery and in countries such as Guyana, and Trinidad, indentureship. The current concern in all these countries,
however, is to maintain a stable democratic system of government, a healthy
economic climate, and, with the imposition of structural adjustment conditions
in the 1980s, to attract new investment.
During the early post-independence period, many countries in
the Caribbean justified the funding of large
public services and sectors as part of their ongoing policy to cater to the
wide ranging development needs of their societies. However, it was observed
that although there had been an expansion in the size and scope of the public sectors, there was
accompanying efficiency in these sectors.
Rather there
were accounting criticisms that public sectors were used by the various governments
as vehicles for patronage. It was to be expected, then, that while a number of
committees to examine and arrive at solutions form this sector were set up
during the period 1960-1980, the actual reforms implemented in these sectors
were minimal. By way of explanation, writers have suggested that reform of the
public sectors particularly in the Caribbean was
constrained by a number actors. Caiden
(1991), for example, suggested that the history of the country, the geography
and even the culture of the public sector were critical obstacles to reform. Wilenski (1986) argued that the greatest impediment to
reform was the lack of political will. But lack of political will, it seemed,
was only part
of the problem. According to Mills (2) the public servants were unable to take
decisions because they were trained by the colonial administrators to adhere
steadfastly to rules and regulations. It has been suggested, therefore, that
while there were always internal push factors for reforms, the movement away from
a Public Administration model to a model ^New Public Management was not
entirely edogenous. Rather, writers have suggested
that a number of factors, better placed under the'umbrella'of
globalization, was responsible for the reforms that were introduced during the
1980s and 1990s in many Caribbean states.
Globalization, it has been pointed
out, is not a single phenomenon. Some writers consider globalization as an
economic logo (Ohmae 1995;Wriston 1992; Guehenno 1995), others contend that contemporary globalization
is wholly exaggerated and that the forces of intemationalization
depend on the regulatory power of national governments to ensure continuing
economic liberalization (Boyer and Drache 1996 and
yet some are of the view that globalization is a central driving force behind
the rapid, social, political and economic changes that are reshaping modem
societies and world order (Giddens 1990; Scholte 1993;
Castells 1996). However, as Farazmand (1999)
suggested more than economic transformation is involved since the forces of
globalization have impacted on ideologies, value systems and systems of
governance and administration as well. Yet as other writers have argued, a
number of other internal forces or pressures were also influential including:
1 .Changing
population structures, which meant that the demands placed on public services
had to change.
2. Mounting criticisms of the way by which services were
delivered (Hood 1991).
3. Declines in domestic economies..
The experience in the Commonwealth Caribbean,
however, suggests that although there was certainly a number of internal
factors that were creating the impetus for reform, the major driving force
behind the introduction of NPM was the external
pressure of globalization and more particularly the conditions imposed by the
International Lending Agencies in the 1980s. Indeed, it has been well
documented that the downturn of the world economy in the 1980s led many
countries, in not only the developed world but also in Latin America and the Caribbean as well, to seek aid from
these lending agencies. However, these loans or aid were accompanied by a
number of conditions or measures referred to as structural adjustment measures.
As La Guerre (1994) noted, the structural adjustment conditions that
accompanied these loans were not confined to the economic sphere alone but also
impacted on the public sector as well. Indeed, apart from the regulatory
policies to be implemented, it was argued that the public sectors in the
various countries should be reduced and service delivery was to become more
efficient. It was also suggested that standards and measures were to be
introduced and that governments should contract out services that had become
too costly. In essence, it appeared that the conditions introduced by the lending
agencies were very much in keeping with the general doctrines of NPM that had
been introduced in the developed countries.
It was also felt that in
order to attract potential investors, governments were
now forced to introduce efficient and standardized systems of administration.
It soon became evident, though, that the choice of 'new' methods of management
had become a regional fad. Indeed, the universality of NPM could not be
disputed. NPM had been introduced in countries like the US (Levine 1988; Grey and
Jenkins 1995), the UK (Rhodes 1991), New Zealand (Walker 1996;
Mascarenhas 1993) and Australia (Wilenski
1986) and was accordingly considered a more than appropriate model for the Caribbean and Latin American states
as well.
It appeared, though, that
the main features of NPM coincided with many of the conditions laid down by the
IMF and World Bank. For instance, a central tenet of NPM was that there should
be greater parsimony in resource use and allocations. No doubt this was
one of the major objectives
sought by the lending agencies since the reduction of expenditure in the public
sector was a major goal. Another key feature of New Public Management was that
there should be the breakup of the monolithic public sector into smaller units.
This break-up it was felt, would foster greater competitiveness and in the long
run also result in reduced expenditure for the delivery of public services. NPM
and structural adjustment requirements also insisted on policies of
privatization and the contracting out of service delivery. The bottom line was
that the role of the state was re-engineered from its former concern with
welfare to a more passive role of 'facilitator.' Thus, NPM was in fact
reinforcing the notion that the state was in retreat, a concept which had been
already introduced by the lending agencies. It was more than clear, also, that
features such as "managers being free to manage," the introduction of
standards of performance and the emphasis on outputs were in keeping with the
objectives of the supra-national agencies to reduce the expenditure in this
sector. What was also evident was that apart from suggesting that NPM was
consistent with private sector management styles, it was also obvious that NPM
was essentially based on a largely economic model of management.
There were, however, a
number of differences in the actual introduction of NPM in each country. It
should be noted, though, that variations in the extent to which NPM had been
adopted in many countries was not a new phenomenon. As Hood (1996) and more
recently Pollitt and Bouckaert
(2000) pointed out, some countries have placed more emphasis on ideas than
other countries, and NPM styles have even varied within the same family groups'
of countries. They noted, for instance, that whereas in Australia, the United Kingdom and New Zealand there was a tendency to
decentralize personnel management to line departments away from central
personnel agencies, there had been no equivalent movement in Japan, where the National
Personnel Authority was strengthened over the 1980s. They also contended that
whereas pay-for-performance doctrines had been adopted in countries such as Sweden, Denmark, New Zealand and the United Kingdom there had not been an
equivalent movement in Germany. It was thus not
surprising that in the countries of
the Commonwealth Caribbean there would also be differences in the systems and
procedures adopted by the various governments
Jamaica adhered closely to many of
the guidelines or principles of the lending agencies and thus implemented many
of the doctrines of NPM. The Government of Jamaica not only attempted to
rationalize many of its ministries and departments so as to avoid duplication
and overlaps, but at the same time it attempted to introduce performance
objectives. Thus, measures such as auditing, financial reforms in the budgeting
systems and performance appraisal systems were successfully introduced.
Managers, in keeping with the principle that "managers should be free to
manage," were also employed on a contractual basis. However, although Jamaica was successful in
implementing many of the classic features of NPM, interview data suggests that
there has been no accompanying increase in the output or performance of the
public sector.
In the case of Barbados, it was also evident that
many of the principles of NPM had also been successfully introduced in the
public sector, and there is evidence that the introduction of NPM had led to
increased output in the public sector. In the twin island state of Trinidad and Tobago, however, while the
political agenda clearly indicated a shift toward introducing principles of New
Public Management, this did not translate in terms of actual implementation in
the wider public sector. In fact, while some human resource management systems
and procedures have been implemented there has not been any
significant changes in the functioning of the wider bureaucracy. For
instance, although there has been training with respect to the introduction of
Performance Management and Appraisal Systems, promotion is still made based on
the criteria of seniority rather than merit. In Guyana, on the other hand, and
largely for economic reasons, there was little or no reform in the public
sector. It was more than evident, as Table 1 below illustrates, and as will
emerge, that Barbados and Jamaica had far more success in
terms of actual implementation of the principles of NPM than either Trinidad and Tobago or Guyana.
It has been argued that the
variations in the experience of OECD countries with NPM could be interpreted in
a number of different ways. For instance, it might be viewed as a convergence
process, where it was expected that all the countries that were considered
'backward' would have embraced most of the features of NPM. In other words, one
can suggest that because of the absence of traditional systems, many 'new'
countries adopting the principles of NPM would have more success than the
advanced countries. According to Hood (1996), this would result in the
narrowing of the gap between the leaders' and the 'laggards' over a period.
Another explanation that has been advanced, is that
NPM was introduced due to the process of diffusion where policies were exported
from one country to another. Others have suggested that NPM is an
Anglo-American idea and that countries that have successfully implemented NPM
are mostly English-speaking countries, while the low scorers' are non-English
speaking countries (Castles 1989; Castles and Merrill 1989). However, this
argument has been refuted since it has been suggested that non-English speaking
countries such as Denmark, Netherlands and France could also be considered
Some writers, however, have
interpreted NPM as a product of 'the New Right' and the 1980's reaction against
big government and state led welfarism (Pollitt 1990). However, Hood concluded that the influence
of 'New Right' developments was at best fairly indirect. He also refuted the
argument that NPM was sometimes described as a response to fiscal stress and
government overload and pointed to contradictory evidence in which NPM
reflected boom conditions as well as fiscal stress. Finally, Hood offered two
possible explanations. He suggested that essential preconditions for the
successful application of NPM depended upon the extent to which there was a
united public sector with the same goals and visions and the extent to which
the reform was politically driven.' Indeed, particularly in the context of the
Commonwealth Caribbean, the explanations offered by Hood appear to be valid.
Indeed, in the discussion which follows it is clear that political direction
and cohesiveness are necessary pre-conditions for reform.
in Implementing NPM:
Homogenous Versus Plural
It should be recalled that
the countries of the Commonwealth Caribbean were formerly part of the wider British Empire. It was understandable
therefore, that with the move to independent status, it was considered
appropriate that the British Westminster model, with some modifications, could
be ideally employed in these newly independent states. The Westminster model was therefore
modified by civil servants in Whitehall, London, and introduced in the
various territories as the Westminster/Whitehall model of government. The
central tenets or features of the Westminster/Whitehall model were essentially
based on the British model. It allowed for a bicameral system of government,
consisting of two houses, the House of Representatives (the Lower House) and
the Senate (the Upper House). The House of Representatives was an elected chamber,
while the Upper House or Senate was nominated. Another tenet of the Westminster
Whitehall model was that there was no complete separation between the
judiciary, the legislature and the executive. Also, the system of voting
adopted was the "first-past-the-post" system, where the party winning
the majority of seats and the leader of this party were called upon to form the
government. It was also assumed that there would be a neutral public service. A
departure from the British system, but understandable in such new states, was
the introduction of written Constitutions. These Constitutions were supreme and
served to diminish the power of the Parliaments of the various countries.
Indeed, what can be suggested was that while state power was being passed on to
the locals, yet the guiding principles were essentially British.
With the attainment of
independence, the arrangement or composition of the various societies, however,
underwent dramatic change. It should be recalled that during colonial
administration, the societies of these countries were divided into three main
classes namely the white plantocracy, the coloureds,
who were the off-spring of the
planters and their slaves, and at the bottom of the hierarchy were persons
mainly of African descent. In countries such as Guyana and Trinidad and Tobago, however, the societies
were drastically altered with the influx of other races such as the Chinese,
the Syrians and more particularly the Indians who constituted the second
largest group. In the case of Jamaica and Barbados, the white planter element
was replaced by a dominant African elite. In Trinidad and Tobago and Guyana, however, although the
African group held state power, there was an uneasy relationship between two of
the major ethnic groups the Africans and the Indians.
Indeed, particularly in the
plural societies such as Guyana and Trinidad and Tobago, writers have claimed that
the Westminster/ Whitehall model of government has
served to exacerbate ethnic tensions in the society. It has also been suggested
that this method of governance has promoted what has commonly been referred to
by some as 'Cabinet' government, where the majority party dominates both the
Cabinet and the Parliament. Apart from the emergence of 'Cabinet' type
governments, it was also evident that in these countries the
first-past-the-post system did not allow for regular oscillation between
government and opposition. Indeed, in the case of Trinidad and Tobago, one political party, the
African dominated Peoples National Movement, remained in power during the
period 1956-1986, while in Guyana, the African dominated
Peoples National Congress also controlled the state for approximately three
decades. The retention of state power by one government over such a long period
of time also resulted in the I- public sectors in
these countries becoming 'closely aligned to the ruling party. These
developments as will be observed would later complicate the efforts of NPM
reformers in both countries.
To a large extent, because of the dominance of the
governing parties, Oppositions in both Guyana and Trinidad and Tobago were virtually powerless.
Indeed, although the written Constitution in both these countries allowed for
consultation between the Opposition and the Government, in many cases
consultation on the part of government was merely cosmetic. In the case of Trinidad and Tobago, for instance, the Leader
of the Opposition during the period 1976 –1983 berated the lack of power by the Opposition
and insisted that the Opposition was regarded with contempt.
However, it was evident in these two
societies that more than neglect of the Opposition was involved. It soon became
evident that those who controlled the state, also
controlled the public purse and could dispense with state 'favours'
as they saw fit. In the case of Guyana, for
instance, during the period 1973-1979, it was noted that 5 out of a total of 55
chairmen of the various Boards and Commissions were Indians and out of a total
membership of 487 members, 365 were Africans while 96 were East Indians. In the
financial institutions out of a total number of 40 directors, 6 were East
Indians, 30 were Africans and 4 were described as representing other groups (Debiprashad and Budhram 1987).
Indeed, Ferguson, a Guyanese
academic, commented on the public sector of Guyana in these
The practical
manifestations of party para-mountcy were several.
Political appointees loyal to the incumbent government became a common practice
at the senior levels of the bureaucracy. For a period in the 1970s various layers
of the administrative and professional grades were required to undergo a
programme of ideological indoctrination, that sought
to acculturate them to the ideological, political and operational order of
things. The public service also became, during the 1970s and into the 1980s, a
key target for the mobilizational excesses of the
ruling party on the occasion of important national observances and other
politically significant events. Public servants were thus used as a ready made,
handy source of participants to bolster the image of the ruling party (Ferguson
In other
words, the political party in power in Guyana at that
time was not only controlling resources but also ensuring that all aspects of
the state, including the economic sphere was controlled and managed by faithful
party supporters.
This tendency was also evident in Trinidad
and Tobago as well. To a large extent
the allegations of discrimination by Indians were confirmed by a report
entitled Ethnicity and Employment Practices in Trinidad
and Tobago (1994) which was
carried out by the Centre of Ethnic Studies, established by the PNM government
in 1991. As Table 2 indicates most of the senior administrative positions in
the public services were occupied by non-Indians. Moreover, another report, on The
Award of Scholarships (1995), also indicated that East Indian applicants
were usually passed over for their less qualified African counterparts.
Clearly, the
problem in both these countries was that one political party representing one
ethnic majority had remained in power for too long. Thus, over a period, the
party had become synonymous with the state and had surrounded itself with party
followers not only in the bureaucracy but also at the level of boards and
enterprises. However, because of the rigidity of the written Constitutions in
both countries, which in many instances could not be amended without a two
thirds majority of Parliament, it was very difficult to bring about any
significant modification or reform in the political system, since the
traditional systems in place were favourable to the
ruling elite. Indeed, as Cerny (1997) has pointed
out, 'state actors' were critical for the implementation or non-implementation
of any policy.
during the early 1990s, both countries had a dramatic turn around in which the
former Indian Opposition won the majority of seats and were called upon to form
the government. Yet, the allegations of party patronage continued. Rather, it
was now suggested that in Guyana and Trinidad, the allocations of state
resources had been channeled to Indian groups. Moreover, in the case of Guyana, there has been the threat
since 1992 of political instability since the tenure of office of the elected
government was shortened from a term of five years to three years by way
of a compromise to curb unrest
in the wider Guyanese society. In these two societies, therefore, it was
obvious that given their plural nature and the infrequent oscillation between
the governments and the oppositions, that little or no attempt was made to
introduce long-term policies. Moreover, given the ethnic imbalances in the
public services, one could suggest that it would be difficult for an
Indian-based government to introduce and implement measures that were likely to
have an adverse impact on traditional structures and traditional stakeholders.
Thus, this can explain why in the case of Trinidad and Tobago some features of NPM have
been implemented while others have not. Many would argue, though, that the
principles of NPM such as contracting out which has been introduced by the
present government in Trinidad and Tobago has been to the comparative
advantage of that government. Indeed, as Frederickson (1996) pointed out the
most important difference between the 'new management' and the traditional
public administration was that it was political since NPM involved issues such
as politics, democratic government and issues of majority rule- minority
rights. He argued that the "new management was greatly influenced by the Laswell argument that politics including public management
determined who gets what, when and how" (ibid.:
It is evident, then, that in
such 'conflict prone' societies such as Trinidad and Tobago and Guyana, it
would be extremely difficult to bring about long term change in the societies,
or that if some reform of the bureaucracy was introduced it would affect the
ruling political party and its interests (see Jenkins 1995). It was not
surprising then, that the political directorate of the major political regimes
in both Jamaica and Barbados, have had more success in
introducing policy changes. Indeed, because all the political actors in both
these countries were more or less internally cohesive and shared similar views
and goals, these countries have been capable of initiating and implementing
binding reform agreements on major policy questions including the
implementation of NPM. Understandably, this kind of cohesion could be obtained
because both Jamaica and Barbados were fairly homogenous
societies and the ethnic factor in the composition of these countries was not
as pervasive as they were in Trinidad and Tobago
and Guyana. However, while the
structures and
operations of governments were useful
in exploringor offering reasons for the different levels
of success in implementing NPM, one can understandly
argue that while Jamaican has implemented most of the principles and procedures
associated with NPM, this has not led to a significant increase in performance
or output. The emphasis on the structures and operations of the government in
power also does not provide us with an explanation for the relative success in
implementing some reforms in Trinidad and Tobago or the virtual absence of
reforms in Guyana. Obviously, then, factors
such as structures and operations cannot be looked at in a vacuum. Rather, it
can be suggested that reform in the public sector must be accompanied not only
by political will and consensus in the wider society, but also that funds must
be available to introduce and sustain these reform efforts.
Economic Bases for Public Sector Reform
There is no
one explanation to account for either the manner in which particular countries
operated or the policies that were implemented in any one country over the
years. In some instances, there may have been what Coleman (1994) has referred
to as policy convergence, Majone (1991) as policy
diffusion, Haas (1992) as policy learning or Rose (1991) as lesson drawing.
Moreover, there is no doubt, as Mittleman (1996) has suggested, that the international agencies were important in
introducing NPM. Yet the data reveals that some countries have had far more
success in implementing NPM than others. For instance, while Jamaica has had consensus among the
various actors in the society and many of the features of NPM have been successfully
introduced, this has not led to sustained output. In the case of Trinidad and Tobago, however, while there has
been little or no agreement on long-term policies, some features of NPM have
been introduced. It can therefore be suggested, then, that a critical
prerequisite for any successful reform is the state of the country's economy.
As we shall see in the case of Jamaica and particularly in Guyana, stringent economic
conditions in both these countries have left little room for manoeuvering or increasing output in the public and state
The economic, malaise In
Jamaica started as early as 1981. Even when the Prime Minister of the country
concluded an Extended Fund Facility agreement with the International Monetary
Fund during this period, it was evident that the broad liberal policies did not
create the turn around that was expected. Instead, the flood of imports led to
the development of a thriving parallel currency market and a large balance of
trade deficit. By 1984 there was a devaluation of the Jamaican dollar and the
international recession resulted in the closure of many North American
companies, the most significant being the companies involved in the production
of Jamaica's primary commodity,
To meet some
of the conditions recommended by the IMF, the then Prime Minister, Seaga implemented a number of measures:
1. He
increased taxes by J$138 million in April, 1984 and then extended the process
by a further J$45 million in the regular budget in May of the same year.
2. In addition five thousand
five hundred employees were retrenched in the public services adding to the
already high unemployment rate.
3. Food subsidies were also cut and there were
restrictions on domestic credit.
However, irrespective of the
measures introduced, the Jamaican dollar continued to slide downward reaching
J$4.15 to the US dollar by June of 1984. By 1985, there was no improvement in
the economic environment. Inflation stood at 30% and unemployment had increased
to 25.6% of the labour force. These factors no doubt were responsible for the
Jamaican government approaching the IMF once more in April 1985. It was more
than obvious, however, that even with the agreements that were entered into
during the various periods (1985, September 1986, January 1987, 1991), there
was no substantial
turn around in the Jamaican
It has been suggested,
however, that the implementation of NPM in the public sector of Jamaica was one of the mechanisms
employed by the Jamaican government to improve performance in the economy.
However, the loans granted by the international lending agencies were mainly
directed at structural reorganization, while the day to day administration of
the public sector was to be funded by the government. The problem, however, was
two fold, contradictory, and often more costly in the long term. On the one
hand, in order to attract more competent staff, the government was required to
increase salaries in the public sector in order to make it more competitive
with the private sector. On the other hand, in an effort to rationalize the
public sector there was retrenchment of a number of top level public servants
including directors and permanent secretaries. However, in a large number of
cases these officers were subsequently re-employed on contract at a higher rate
of pay. Thus, in reality, there was no real downsizing in the public sector and
the government was left with an increased wage bill which had to be funded from
an already strapped revenue base. Thus, while in theory many of the features of
NPM had been introduced, in reality there had been no reduction in cost or an
increase in performance. In addition to low output from the public sector,
another more critical problem in the case of Jamaica, and one which the
government was clearly unable to deal with, was the increase in the crime
level. Indeed, business leaders were contending that the crime level had risen
so significantly that it led to the "stifling of business and the fuelling
of mass migration."2
The policy of state control
in Guyana during 1964-1985 forced
private interest, both foreign and domestic, to relinquish their economic
positions. This policy of taking over the commanding heights of the economy led
to a dramatic shift in the economic environment of the country so that during
the period 1975-1985, Guyana experienced a persistent
deterioration of its economy resulting in its virtual collapse in 1985. Gross
Domestic Product at factor cost showed negative growth
during the period 1975-1980
averaging -0.7% annually. With respect to the productive sectors there were
declines of 0.4% in 1981, -12.1% in 1982, and -14.1% in 1983. Further, as the
economy of Guyana continued its downward
slide in the second half of the 1970s, the debt servicing capacity of the state
also declined resulting in a gradual build-up of arrears with all categories of
external creditors. In 1976, external debt had increased to US$364 million
dollars and Guyana's country risk-rating
revealed that it ranked number 103 of 111 countries. In its current position, Guyana has been rated as a Highly
Indebted Poor Country and has been unable to introduce positive growth in its
economy. Part of the problem, no doubt, was due to both the ideological
position adopted by the government and the high level of ethnic conflicts in
this country.
The lack of cohesion among
the different ethnic groups along with the lack of funding,
resulted in little or no sustained effort on the part of the government of Guyana to introduce NPM. However,
in 1996 there was an attempt by Peat Marwick Mclintock
and Company to introduce Performance Appraisal Systems, which was a principal
feature of NPM. This effort, though, was largely unsuccessful. It should be
recalled that one critical obstacle plaguing the public sector in Guyana had been the low level of
salaries and wages, leading to a high level of vacancies especially in the
technical and professional categories. In order to attract staff, therefore,
the Government of Guyana had reduced the entry requirement of first level clerks
from five ordinary level subjects to one to three ordinary level subjects. This
reduction in the required qualifications has accordingly resulted in a low
level of competency in the wider public sector. Interviews with public
officials on their reaction to the introduction of systems of Performance
Appraisal were therefore negative. They contended that given the minimal wages,
outdated equipment, lack of office stationery, and a lack of proper
infrastructure such as roads, bridges, public transportation, and electricity,
which had been sadly neglected, it would be ludicrous to consider implementing
systems of Performance Appraisal since criteria such as timeliness, and
efficiency could never be achieved. As with other short-term attempts at
reform, the training in systems
Performance Appraisal was eventually aborted. Trinidad
and Tobago
Unlike either Jamaica or Guyana, Trinidad and Tobago had experienced a healthy
economic environment until the 1980s. Because of the increase in its primary
commodity oil, per capita Gross National Product increased in 1978 from
US$1,231 to US$3,168 in 1979. By 1979 per capita income had increased to
US$3,390. During this period there was considerable expansion in the
manufacturing industries,
and the construction
sectors along with a surplus of foreign exchange reserves. However, there were
a number of structural weaknesses in the economy of Trinidad and Tobago during the
post-independence period, including the domination of the economy by oil; a
heavy dependence on imports; lack of diversification in production and export;
and a high wage and salary level in the public sectors. By 1982, therefore, the
downturn in the price of oil along with an increase in the value of imports,
led to a deficit in the current balance account of $2095.8miUion (Ramkissoon 1990). Between 1981 and 1983 the total public
debt grew by some 46% and the external debt service ratio 2.4%. Thus, by 1988, Trinidad and Tobago had no option but to enter
into two loan agreements with the IMF. One of the conditions of these loans was
the reform of the Public Sector. It can thus be suggested that the capitulation
to the conditions of the lending agencies, have been largely responsible for
the introduction of some features of NPM.
While the conditions of the IMF
were quite clear, in that there was to be a reduction in the size of the public
sector, it was obvious that such a policy would have a direct impact on
electoral outcomes and may have even resulted in industrial unrest. Instead,
the government in power, the National Alliance for Reconstruction (NAR),
1986-1991, introduced a ten percent reduction in salary along with a suspension
of cost of living and other allowances. Thus as Jenkins
(1995) suggested, the government was adopting and subsequently amending
policies to suit the domestic environment. However, the reduction in the
wage bill was a short term gain as it was eventually ruled by the Industrial
Court of Trinidad and Tobago that the reduction in wages and salaries was
illegal. Other measures, though, such as the introduction of a value added tax,
the lowering of trade barriers, the removal of tariffs, and privatization of
some state enterprises were implemented.
With the demise of the NAR
government in 1991 and the return once again of the PNM, there was a renewed
attempt to introduce NPM, but on a much grander scale. There were proposals to
create human resource agencies, to establish smaller agencies, to. introduce regional authorities, and greater reliance was
placed on systems of contracts. To a large extent, with the advent of the
United National Congress (UNC) to office in 1995, these policies have been
continued. It has been suggested, however, that the items of NPM which have
been introduced have been largely beneficial to the business sector which has
supported these two governments financially.
During the period 1973 to
1994, Barbados, unlike her Caribbean neighbours has experienced
a steady growth in her Gross National Product. While real
growth had declined during the period 1970 to 1994 this had not been as
dramatic as in the other countries. A number of factors, no doubt would
account for the stable economic environment in Barbados. However, without doubt, Barbados' position as a major
tourist resort has certainly helped this country to maintain a stable economic
environment. It was therefore not surprising that given the consensus on goals
by both the government and opposition, many tenets of NPM have been introduced
quite successfully in this country.
In all four countries of the
Commonwealth Caribbean, it has been observed that there have been attempts to
introduce NPM, mainly as a result of globalization and more particularly
structural adjustment measures. It was evident, however, that there were
differences in the way each country attempted to introduce NPM. Jamaica and Barbados, for example, adhered
rigorously to the primary tenets of NPM. Trinidad and Tobago, on the other hand,
implemented some measures but not others,
while NPM has not been introduced
in Guyana. Two major explanations
were advanced for the differing applications of NPM in the four countries. It
was suggested that the ethnic composition of the society and the way the
governments operated were critical factors. Indeed, it was argued that because Jamaica and Barbados were fairly homogenous
societies, there was a more democratic system of governance which allowed for
cooperation and negotiation between the various governments and oppositions.
Thus, in these countries the political directorates of the major political
parties, because they were more or less internally cohesive, had been capable
of initiating and implementing binding reform agreements on major policy
questions including the introduction of NPM. In ethnically divided societies
such as Trinidad and Tobago and Guyana, however, the system of
government and the operations of those societies did not allow for the
introduction of long term or stable policy. Moreover, because there was little
or no oscillation between the Governments and the Oppositions in both
countries, prior to the 1980s the state became a vehicle for protecting its
Apart from the structure and
operation of the governments, however, it was argued that one major explanation
for the differences between the various countries had to do with the ability of
the country to maintain a healthy economic environment. Jamaica, for instance, although it
had successfully introduced NPM, did not achieve the output envisioned or
increase performance in the public sector. The problem, no doubt, was the high
level of instability in the economic and social environment in this country. In
Guyana, on the other hand, because of the high
level of debt, there was a lack of funds to introduce reforms in the public
sector. Thus, the problem of ethnic difference in Guyana was further compounded by
the lack of funding to allow the public sector to shift from the traditional
system of public administration to NPM. In Trinidad and Tobago, it was obvious that there
had been some attempts at reform. Yet, although funding was available, because
of the high level of ethnic conflict in this society, the reforms, particularly
with respect to the introduction of tenets of NPM, had been slow. Indeed, it
was understandable, that the former Indo-Trinidadian government would be
reluctant to introduce stern measures such as downsizing or reducing the
monolithic units in a public sector that was mainly staffed by Africans. Barbados, on the other hand, has had
the most success at changing from a system of Public Administration to NPM.
Although there has been no evaluation to date, one can suggest that the high
level of cohesion in this country along with the healthy economic climate have
been responsible for the successful introduction of NPM measures.
the four countries, under discussion, Barbados has had the most success in
introducing NPM. Indeed, the combination of two factors, namely consensus
between the various groups and actors, along with the stability of the
Barbadian economy has ensured that NPM would achieve the objective of increased
performance in the Public Sector of Barbados. The major lesson of this study,
then, is that although NPM was a set of common policies and prescriptions
imported to the Caribbean for the express purpose of reforming the Public Sectors, the actual
outcomes, rate of reform and their selective application in different
territories were largely determined by the domestic social, political and
economic environments.